Nov. 24: Port Coquitlam, Archbishop Carney Regional Secondary
Nov. 28-29: Vancouver SD
Dec. 5: Learning Forward, Washington DC
Dec. 11-13: Mililani High School Virtual Coaching
Dec. 15: Empowerment Ecosystem, Calgary AB
Jan. 8-11: Mililani High School Virtual Coaching
Jan. 18-Feb. 12: Mount Zaagkam School, Indonesia
Feb. 20: RTI Summit, Austin TX
Feb. 21: Mililani High School Virtual Coaching
Feb. 26-28: Mililani High School, Mililani HI
Mar. 7-6: Highland Elementary, Inglewood CA
Mar. 12-13: Vancouver SD
Mar. 14-15: Crofton House, Vancouver BC
Mar. 25: Golden Hills SD and Mililani High School Virtual Coaching
Mar. 27: Mililani High School Virtual Coaching
Apr. 8: Golden Hills SD Virtual Coaching
Apr. 11-12: Empowerment Ecosystem Summit, Calgary AB
Apr. 15: Sunshine Coast SD Virtual Coaching
Apr. 16-17: Golden Hills SD and Mililani High School Virtual Coaching
Apr. 22: Gold Trail SD, Lillooet BC
Apr. 24-25: Alta Vista School, Cheyenne WY and Mililani High School Virtual Coaching
Apr. 29: Mililani High School Virtual Coaching
May 6-7: Mililani High School Virtual Coaching
May 8-10: RTI Institute, Vegas NV
May 13: Mililani High School Virtual Coaching
May 17: Vancouver SD Virtual Coaching
May 20: Mililani High School Virtual Coaching
May 23-24: Empowerment Ecosystem Summit, Vancouver, BC
May 28-30: Mililani High School Virtual Coaching